Home » Visit from Israel and beach art

Visit from Israel and beach art

“We’d rather not take a photo” my Israeli guest says upon departure. I asked if I could write a blog about them. They may want to come and live in Portugal, so who knows, that might help them find a place.

Israel is not a very relaxed place to live at the moment

Everyone understands that. People are used to some basic tension, because people are used to living among unfriendly neighboring countries that don’t have your best interests at heart, but now it has gotten quite out of hand. As we all know.

This Israeli family has dutch roots, and since the father of the family died, they no longer have a reason to stay in Israel. “It is a very beautiful country, that’s for sure, and we would actually much rather stay there and look for a nice place in the north to grow our own food,” the daughter says, “but near the border with Lebanon it’s quite dangerous, so that’s out of the question now … “

“The Netherlands is not really an option to do that, too” the mother sighs, “it is too busy, too small, too expensive – we would have liked to realize our dream in the north of Israel, but I don’t see it changing any time soon. Except in the wrong direction…”

They ended up in Portugal. For now, for holidays, and to explore a bit. Like several “refugees” – and I write that in brackets, because they don’t have to flee from anything for the time being, but they do flee from an unpleasant atmosphere, the tension, the feeling that the pressure is too much.

Just like many other emigrants who can no longer survive in their home country because of that

I wish them good luck and say goodbye. To recover a bit from the confrontation with the fiercely realistic reality, Mira and I go to the beach. We come across surprising things there. See for yourself. An exhibition by M. Nature & F. Ocean.

Art of nature. The most beautiful thing there is.

“Praying to the Telegod”
And normal playing children. Not very crowded for August, huh?


We moved here in 2000 from Rotterdam, Holland to the Termas-da-Azenha, Portugal.

A big step, especially with two small children.

We are busy to rebuild one of portugals cultural heirlooms: Termas-da-Azenha, an old spa which has been turned into several holiday houses, rooms and a campsite.

You’ll find mosaics and paintings everywhere.

Since 2018 we call ourselves the first B&B&B in the world – Bed & Breakfast & Bathrobes. You can buy a home-made unique bathrobe/housecoat with us.

Each week a little blog about what is happening around us. An easy read. A few minutes in another world. A little about what it going on in Portugal. If you plan your holiday to Portugal, it might be a nice preparation

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