My sister’s house smelled really good of jasmine. It made me feel at home – I was on my annual visit to Holland. Her plant was a lot smaller than what you encounter here in the wild. Here it also smells very nice of jasmine – outside.

Spring is about to begin!
The daffodils, magnolias and the fields full of white chamomile and yellow clover have almost finished blooming. These are the early messengers of spring, but then it can still – like this year – hit a below zero point at night.
This morning the young dill plants stood with perky white caps. Frozen dew, actually. It doesn’t seem to bother them.
During my morning walk – an hour with the dog every day – the zest for life is everywhere you look
Mushrooms and cobwebs haven’t given up yet, but spring fever is definitely taking over. All seasons have something special to offer; spring gives you meaning in life.

Below an impression. It’s a pity that I can’t convey the silence, the singing little birdies, the smell and the atmosphere – but of course you can always come and enjoy it yourself. Spring will be around for a while, and soon the fireflies will show up too! That’s really spectacular, and not photographable.
So, I guess … come and check if I’m right!

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