Home » A writer’s challenge during the lockdown

A writer’s challenge during the lockdown

No guests – plenty of time to study a few things. What we’re doing: knowing more about cryptos, writing, marketing, growing your own vegetables, enjoying beautiful fabrics for the kimonos.


I came across a writer’s challenge – from a copywriter

Great, I want to learn to write better. This was indeed a challenge from the start; very inspiring by the amount of motivated people who participated. Organizer Peter Post’s commitment was incredible. Every day hundreds of comments in the Facebook group. Respect!

The challenge started 14 days ago, when almost nothing was going on in terms of C-crisis

We call those times AC now. During this challenge the C-virus gained a lot of territory, and we had to adept to that. So, it started a week AC (ante-corona). We started at the end (what result do you want to offer your reader?) and step by step we worked forward. Because of that effort and good tips I came to the following attractive text:

If you look in the mirror in the morning, you will see that what you feel is true: you’re tired.

Even after a night of sleep you’re still tired. You know you have the discipline to drag yourself to your computer, but you don’t feel like it. Your battery is empty. And the one of your sweetheart too. And from the arguing goind on, your kids have had it as well.

It’s time.

Time for something other than just work, care, must-do and arrange.

Time for each other. Time for a little adventure. Time for a day of doing nothing, or running after your children giggling, climbing a mountain … or canoeing, flying a kite on the beach, staring at the beautiful landscape in front of you with a nice glass next to you … something creative … what would you really like?

It’s necessary to go on vacation. It’s enough.

“Er … the situation is a bit different now – there’s another challenge …

We’ve been locked up with the children for more than a week now, so that’s quality time enough. We could use a little less of that maybe … although on holiday it’s very different of course . Then you’re not locked up, isolated. That makes a difference.”

(I’m going on with this challenge, because I’m sure there’s still a world after the Corona virus.)

Dream away in front of the mirror …


Three storks walk majestically across the field in a parallel line between the green young sprouts. They’re looking for frogs, the first of which have started their evening concert, waiting for the rest to fill in. The sun’s just peaking above the horizon – the first firefly can already be seen.

You’re so comfortable looking at this living painting; a glass of wine next to you on the table. “Those Portuguese can make a nice wine, don’t they …” you say, almost more to yourself than to your husband, who’s sitting next to you. He’s looking at you with that warm, lazy look in his eyes you’ve fallen for, long ago. He closes both eyes for a moment, and slowly turns his head back, pointing at the firefly without saying anything.

You can hear your youngest telling a sleepy story to your oldest, a habit they started this holiday.

The end of another beautiful day, the beginning of…. ?

Exactly. That’s what you want.

How different did you feel after the holiday last year!

How different that beautiful tanned person looked in this same mirror!

That beautiful tanned person was then fully in the mood for everything – work, flirting with your sweetheart, making jokes with that nice colleague, an evening out with friends, reading your children the same story endlessly, visiting your grandfather … what a zest for life and energy you had then. Where did it go?

High time to go.

“Sounds great. But have you heard the latest news yet?

There is a virus all over the world, so we have nowhere to go. Excuse me if I sound a little cynical. I don’t think I’m going to book a holiday if it’s not at all certain that we can go somewhere in the summer. ”

(I’m going on, because after this crisis the world still exists. Certainly. And we all can go on holiday.)

Do you recognize this, dear reader?

Can I give you a tip then?

Portugal is the sweetest country in Europe, full of warm-hearted, cheerful people.

Portugal is full of clean beaches. It’s full of hills and mountains – and in some areas you imagine yourself in pre-history – it’s that vrigin and intact.

In Portugal they speak a lilting, unintelligible language, which is great when you’re on holiday.

And in Termas-da-Azenha we speak your language. Literally and figuratively.

Okay, okay … unfortunately we’re all living in uncertainty about the future right now. The question is whether we can go on holiday this year – but if we can, it’ll probably get pretty crowded everywhere.

Then a last-minute is not such a good idea

We have a solution for you: you just book your holiday now, and if it’s not possible to go, your deposit will automatically be converted into holiday credit.

This is valid for one year – until September 2021. You’ll receive a voucher.


That way you certainly have a nice place to enjoy those storks and stuff, when we DO can go out again. Whether in 2020 or in 2021.

(Oi, please let it be in 2020! How much quality time can you endure with your loved ones? That is a real challenge!)

Mail us for availability: info@termas-da-azenha.com.

Still not sure which house you would like the most? Then take a look at the site: https://termas-da-azenha.com/nl/vakantiehuisjes/

And er …. the above offer is serious, guys! Not just a challenge exercise!


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We moved here in 2000 from Rotterdam, Holland to the Termas-da-Azenha, Portugal. A big step, especially with two small children. We are busy to rebuild one of portugals cultural heirlooms: Termas-da-Azenha, an old spa which has been turned into several holiday homes, rooms and campsites, with a https://termas-da-azenha.com/en/recreation/: swimming pool, indoor and outdoor games like pingpong, petanque, a FancyDressingRoom and a small café. You’ll find mosaics and paintings everywhere.

The old bathhouse is going to be a museum, where you can see how things have changed. Since 2018 we call ourselves the first B&B&B in the world – Bed & Breakfast & Bathrobes. You can buy a home-made unique bathrobe/housecoat with us.

Each week a little blog about what is happening around us. An easy read. A few minutes in another world. A little about what it going on in Portugal. If you plan your holiday to Portugal, it might be a nice preparation. We have some nice special offers on our site.

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