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Exercise in mindfulness

If you think too much about the future, you become unhappy. Says science. Unhappy, restless, maybe even anxious. (Except if you are in love of course, because then there’s nothing more fun than thinking about the future and how you’ll be warm and intimate again not long from now) Unfortunately, I’m not in love, so […]

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Multi-talented volunteers

Statistically we’ve had a lot of (multi-)talented volunteers and guests. They’re probably attracted by all the eye-candy that has been created over the years. The first time Bruno came, it was an exciting event, since I already had a group of four young girls around. They came from all over, Germany, Canada, France and Hungary.

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It’s all in the family

“Come on Korstiaan! We’re going!” Dick shouts, “start your red van!” “Yes, ok, we’re going”, my brother Korstiaan says mysteriously , and slowly stalks off towards the stairs, “we’re going on a secret mission. So we’ll be gone for a while.” My brother-in-law and I can have conversations that go somewhat like this: “It’s going well, isn’t it, with

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Goodbye homeland!

Just arrived guests: future colleagues! They were completely euphoric last night because they just signed the contract to buy their dream house. Now there´re more and more people move from the homeland to come and live here, and it seems they all stay at the Termas for a while. Sleep a few nights, just to take a

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a cup of comfort

Most employees at the airport are grumpy and short tempered. Not representative of the cheerful people you normally meet in Portugal. Especially the customs officials are very surly. They don’t look at you and only talk to you to give you a short order. I forgot to take my laptop out of my suitcase O

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