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Musical sunset

“Olá, muito bem-vindo!” I say with a radiant smile and an outstretched hand to the newly arrived Spanish guests, “Posso falar em português – Can I speak Portuguese? E pode falar espanhol comigo – then you can speak Spanish to me.” They come for the Sunset festival. The group of young men nods No problem,

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Single vacation

Sometimes you have moments you think …. Ooooo what a life I want to go on vacation !! You reached the point that it’s enough. I had such a moment last winter. As a comfort, I began to think what kind of vacation I would like to go on. I have no relationship, and live

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Forest Fire

This blog is about the fire, it couldn’t be about anything else. It was only a few days ago that the national mourning ended, and that our own tsunami of “How-are-you-doing” ceased. Forest fire is a part of living in Portugal At least, from time to time. In recent years it was less common because

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Relaxing massages

I usually start staring. That is a sign that I’m relaxing as well, during the massage Today, it suddenly struck me. It was the first massage in a while. In winter there are not so many clients, but when the weather is good, it’s more inviting. Apparently. Before a massage, I always ask about a

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Digital photography

Every month, I’m writing a blog on a dutch portal about Portugal, about how it all started here in the Termas-da-Azenha. Nice, all those memories. It was as if we were pioneers, and in fact we were. TV-series like “Wanted down under” hadn’t started yet, and we were with just a few foreigners spread all

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Exercise in mindfulness

If you think too much about the future, you become unhappy. Says science. Unhappy, restless, maybe even anxious. (Except if you are in love of course, because then there’s nothing more fun than thinking about the future and how you’ll be warm and intimate again not long from now) Unfortunately, I’m not in love, so

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Multi-talented volunteers

Statistically we’ve had a lot of (multi-)talented volunteers and guests. They’re probably attracted by all the eye-candy that has been created over the years. The first time Bruno came, it was an exciting event, since I already had a group of four young girls around. They came from all over, Germany, Canada, France and Hungary.

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