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Termas da Azenha

Track and trace

My back is killing me. Everything we do at the moment is lift and bend over, bend over and lift. We’re making an archery track – I already see it all ready, but unfortunately you can’t photoshop reality. So: bend over and lift, lift and bend over. Imagine, it would be so great: just click […]

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The Flintstone Method

“¡Mira, Ellen! ¡Nos está yendo tan bien!”, Raquel shouts at me laughingly as I watch them, filming from my sewing studio on the first floor. My back sometimes doesn’t want to participate very much, and besides: there is no room. These stones are heavy, but not so big. The three of them will succeed. They are

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Country life

It comes to me when I’m in bed in the evening. I can’t help it, the images are coming. They must have been incredibly scared. First transferred to a strange environment, where everything is different from what you’re used to. Country life instead of living in a huge shed. Better, but very different. Running outside

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Butterfly garden

“Oh, it’s just a bag of flower seeds … “said my brother while showing a colorful bag,” it’s a butterfly blend – so it attracts butterflies and bees. You could have a butterfly garden. Nice isn’t it?” “Well, sow it in the village square garden, who knows maybe something nice comes out of it”, I

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A fiery year

When I went outside yesterday the horizon was a red glow. And not very far away, on the other side of the valley and then a little further …. by my estimate Figueira da Foz. It’s only 12 km as the crow flies. There is a large dune area there with a lot of flammable

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